
How are our partners performing in the ESEA playoffs?

As you probably know, the playoffs of the 52nd ESEA season have recently begun. Teams have started their battle for advancement to the next stages of the competition, with emotions running high from the very first matches. Most squads have already played their opening games — either on the server or by winning by default. Today, we'll take a closer look at how our...

Our partners in the playoffs of ESEA Season 52

The regular season of ESEA Season 52 is slowly coming to an end. However, most teams have already wrapped up their battles — including our partners. For each of them, securing a spot in the playoffs should only be a matter of time. But what was their journey like, and what challenges might await them next?Panico eSportsVictory vs BELUGADefeat vs Rosomaha OLDMENVictory vs AUTSidersVictory...

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