Sign-ups to SGL season 4 have started.

Long awaited season 4 of SGL is finally on the horizon. Following the latest news, we will be able to see the first games in the closed qualifiers at the end of March. Let’s dive deeper into the topic to figure out what has changed and to find out new crucial additions to the system.

We should start where the whole ecosystem begins and that is no other than sign-ups. It’s possible to sign-up for the SGL until the 9th of March. This way you have more than enough time to gather a solid team. SGL stated that most teams participating in the SGL season 4 will come from sign-ups.

Our biggest share of teams definitely find their way to SGL success through our Sign-Ups, this season is no different. Our Sign-Ups will open on Monday the 27th of January and will close roughly a month later on Sunday the 9th of March.

The other extremely important factor regarding sign-ups is prizepool. The entry fee is 20. This is how SGL explains it:

As most of our revenue for the Prizepool comes directly from the teams signing up, we cannot give the exact amount that’s going to be in the prizepool.

Every team that will successfully sign-up will be placed in the Regional SCQ Circuit. To cut the long story short. You need to have 2 players from a certain geographical region to take part in 1’s qualifier. There is a possibility that a team may be eligible to attend more than 1 qualifier. In this kind of scenario, they will be allowed to try their luck in both of them. The second entry fee is going to be reduced. Eg. presented by SGL:

the team will be eligible for SCQ Nordics and SCQ Baltics.


List of Regions – Regions might be combined if there’re not enough teams to complete a whole SCQ Circuit.

SCQ Circuit: Nordics
SCQ Circuit: Iberia
SCQ Circuit: DACH
SCQ Circuit: UKIC
SCQ Circuit: Baltics
SCQ Circuit: Balkan – Extended version (Balkan Peninsula)
SCQ Circuit: CIS
SCQ Circuit: Benelux
SCQ Circuit: South Europe
SCQ Circuit: Central Europe

After this intense period, we’ll move into the close qualifiers period. Those games are going to be vital for the further stages of the tournament. Participants will be determined and then moved into a certain division which represents the results in the qualifiers.

The main stage of season 4 will start on the 21st of April, 2025, and is scheduled to finish on the 4th of May, 2025. Division 2 will be played between the 5th of May, 2025 and the 18th of May, 2025. Divisions 1 and 2 are almost a copy so we will summarize them in one paragraph. Group stages of these divisions will be played in a GSL format. Playoff games in both of them will be BO3 games and the only exception from this rule is the Grand Final of Division 1.

Season 4 Division 3 will be different from the 2 higher ones. Group stages are going to be played in a double Round-Robin format. That gives the chance for every team to get their revenge in the second game. Another advantage worth mentioning is a large amount of games. This way teams can develop very well. This Division will also be welcomed by the biggest amount of teams as SGL states:

Team Breakdown: 8 Invitational Teams (We are still looking for possible teams) 9th-16th from SGL: CSDE proCamp Cup 9th-24th from SCQ Circuit: Closed Qualifier.

We are still waiting for more information to come. There are a lot of uncertainties that are being explained. All this has been explained in one of the latest posts by SGL linked below: (

If you have any questions or valuable feedback feel free to reach out to the SGL via Discord or their Twitter account.


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