SGL FALL 2024: Semifinals

If you want to see all results and schedules for SGL FALL 2024 you can visit our LIVE REPORT available at:


All schedules in this article are being displayed in UTC+1 format.

Recently, teams played their quarterfinal match. In this stage, we got only one match with 3 maps – Infurity Gaming from Norway versus Back2TheGame from Poland.

Let’s begin with the first quarterfinal – Metizport X faced Portugese Neverplay. The swedish organisation won this match by 2:0 on dust2 13:9 and inferno 13:8.

  • 🇵🇹 NeverPlay 0:2 🇸🇪 Metizport X (Dust2 9:13, Inferno 8:13)

Metizport X will face Back2TheGame in the semi-final today at 19:00.

The second quarterfinal was played between Infurity Gaming and Back2TheGame. The first quarterfinal and match in playoffs with all three maps. First map won by Infurity, the next two by Back2TheGame. In Poland, we have a proverb “If you don’t win 2:0, you lose 2:1”. This time this proverb worked.

  • 🇳🇴 Infurity Gaming 1:2 🇵🇱 Back2TheGame (anubis 13:10, inferno 10:13, nuke 11:13)

Back2TheGame will face MetizportX in the semi-final today at 19:00.

Third quarterfinal and second with Norway Team – 777 Esports, but this time team from this country qualified to semi-final. They beat SPLIT ESC (Finland) 2:0. On Ancient 13 to 6 and on Nuke 13:5. We can say that this was a one-side match for the only one Norway team in playoffs currently.

  • 🇳🇴 777 Esports 2:0 🇫🇮 Split ESC (ancient 13:6, nuke 13:5)

777 Esports will face ex-ESC Gaming in the semi-final, this match is planned for 1st of December at 16:00 UTC+1.

The last quarterfinal was played on 27/11/2024, 18:00 UTC+1. ex-ESC Gaming vs. Sauceman. We can fairly say that ex-ESC Gaming destroyed the finnish team – 13:0 on anubis and 13:3 on nuke. What a firepower from ex-ESC Gaming!

  • 🇪🇺 ex-ESC Gaming 2:0 🇫🇮 Saucemen (anubis 13:0, nuke 13:3)

Congrats to the all semi finalists. We are hoping that in the next article we will be writing more about third maps.


  • 1/12/2024, 19:00 UTC+1 – 🇸🇪 Metizport X vs. 🇵🇱 Back2TheGame
  • 1/12/2024, 16:00 UTC+1 – 🇳🇴 777 Esports vs. 🇪🇺 ex-ESC Gaming


21-year-old ICT technician. Since 2019, I have been running the "SUPERION" project, of which I am the founder and originator. I also play Counter-Strike 2, of course as a team player, where I represent (currently). Sometimes I'll start a stream on Twitch. In his free time, he also works with computer graphics. During my breaks, I write articles for you. :D

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