Interview with Panica.Gaming’s player

Panica.Gaming, the newest champion of the Galaxy Cup: Reborn Edition tournament. In the finals they defeated Mikstura1234. You can read more about the match itself in our article. Today, we will focus on one of the people who made this success possible – the figure of TerqS. TerqS is a 20-year-old Panica.Gaming player who serves as a riffler/2nd caller, also this year TerqS took his high school final exams – the result was positive, congratulations!

*The originality of the statement has been preserved*
*Spelling errors etc. corrected*

[R] Hello, TerqS. First, please introduce yourself to our readers. 

[T] Hello, Tomek, 20 years old, freshly graduated from high school. In Panika I play the role of riffler-support/second-igl.

[R] Let’s start with your beginnings in this organization, could you tell us about the circumstances in which you joined the current team?

[T] We joined the organization immediately with 5 members, previously under the name “agents” in a line-up with Muck, Dań, Gwizdak and Piotrulla. Panica approached us and was interested in cooperation.

[R] You won the Galaxy Cup, and your matches were a pleasure to watch, mainly because often in BO3 with your participation we watch all three maps, at least one of which is even. Why do you think it is you who come out victorious in these close matches? 

[T] We played more as a mix. As you can see, there are changes in the lineup in recent matches and we have been testing a lot lately. Maybe this is also why we lose maps at our own request and then have to make them up again. An example would be the Galaxy Cup final, where we should have closed the match 2-0, but we lost a lot of rounds pointlessly on the first map.

[R] Mikstura1234 was in the final because they defeated TNC Esports, which was considered one of the tournament favorites, who did you expect in the final? Who do you think disappointed you with their attitude?

Before the tournament, I bet that Mikstura would be the one we would play in the final. Although it was a close match against TNC, we expected Mikstura to win. Armitra also surprised us by defeating GRIN, I thought we would play the semi-final against them.

[R] If we went back in time, you had to predict the team that would win the entire tournament – which team would it be and why?  

Of course, we predicted ourselves to win, knowing our capabilities. It is true that during the tournament we had major problems with the squad and we had to quickly find new players with whom we had no chemistry. Due to all these changes, we struggled a lot in these matches because we played more mixed or with substitutes and we didn’t have much time to prepare.

[R] Tournament MVP often goes to the player of the winning team, who would you attribute the MVP to if you had to choose one person?  

It’s hard to choose the MVP of the entire tournament, we won the entire tournament with teamwork rather than individual play. If I had to choose someone, I would look at the statistics or rating in the most important matches (match with a 2-0 balance, quarter-final, semi-final, final).
16Danio – rating 1.04 (10map, (2-0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2))
TerqS – rating 1.20 (10map, (2-0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2))
Piotrulla – rating 0.86 (10map, (2-0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2))
Muciek – rating 1.10 (8map, (2-0, 1/4, 1/2))
Guzman – rating 1.13 (8map, (1/8, 1/4, 1/2))

Looking at the statistics alone, I would reluctantly give MVP to myself, knowing that the individual players did not win the matches.

[R] What are your future plans? We know that you are taking part in EAL 2024, are you aiming to win this tournament or do you treat it as preparation for something bigger?

Our further plans are to get to ESEA MAIN, although this should not be a problem, but we will start with open or intermediate, so we will definitely not play there this season. At EAL we aim to win. We do not assume any other result and we are confident. Currently, we still have problems with the squad because we are looking for a fifth player – a sniper.

[R] As a player, how do you evaluate the overall outcome of this tournament? 

The overall shape of the Galaxy Cup is positive. Organizationally at a very good level. The admins responded very quickly to things and the tournament in our case had no delays. The tournament prize was sent almost immediately after winning the match. Compared to EAL, scheduling was better done. So far, after the beginning of EAL, the Galaxy Cup is better in terms of organization.

[R] Thank you for your time, congratulations on your victory and I keep my fingers crossed for another good performance, this time in EAL 2024. Do you want to add something else for readers, maybe your fans?

Not much, you can follow the organization and players on Twitter for information about future matches.

21-year-old ICT technician. Since 2019, I have been running the "SUPERION" project, of which I am the founder and originator. I also play Counter-Strike 2, of course as a team player, where I represent (currently). Sometimes I'll start a stream on Twitch. In his free time, he also works with computer graphics. During my breaks, I write articles for you. :D

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