Intensywny dzień Armitry.

Czwarty lipiec to zdecydowanie jeden z bardziej intensywnych graczy dla graczy akademii Armitry, jeśli chodzi oczywiście o same oficjalne mecze. Zawodnicy spod tego szyldu rozegrali bowiem 3 spotkania, w 3 różnych turniejach: ARRMY Open S10, EAL 2024 oraz UG Championship. Niestety tylko w jednym udało się zdobyć 3 punkty.

  • 12:16 vs. Dinozaury | ARRMY Open S10,
  • 13:3 vs. KeyZ Academy | UG Championship,
  • 5:13 vs. Young Stars | EAL 2024

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21-year-old ICT technician. Since 2019, I have been running the "SUPERION" project, of which I am the founder and originator. I also play Counter-Strike 2, of course as a team player, where I represent (currently). Sometimes I'll start a stream on Twitch. In his free time, he also works with computer graphics. During my breaks, I write articles for you. :D

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