Panica.Gaming wins GALAXY CUP: Reborn Edition.

Panica.Gaming turned out to be better than Mikstura in the final of Galaxy CUP: Reborn Edition, although we watched the match on three maps, the first of which was very even. After overtime, the first board went to Mikstura. Whoever does not win 2:0, loses 2:1, this way Panica.Gaming raises the virtual Galaxy Cup. Congratulations on your victory!

Thanks to this win, Panica.Gaming collects PLN 700.

Panica.Gaming 2:1 Mikstura1234 vertigo 16:19
nuke 13:8
mirage 13:11
finał Galaxy Cup: Reborn Edition

All the results in our live report

Galaxy Cup: Reborn Edition

In the match for 3rd place, Armitra Esports (ex-ESSA) turned out to be better than TNC Esports. The match was less even than the final, as Armitra wiped out The Night Clan players on the first map. Congratulations on taking third place.

- - TNC Esports 0:2 ESSA mirage 3:13
nuke 10:13


Follow organiser of this tournament at their official fanpage.

21-year-old ICT technician. Since 2019, I have been running the "SUPERION" project, of which I am the founder and originator. I also play Counter-Strike 2, of course as a team player, where I represent (currently). Sometimes I'll start a stream on Twitch. In his free time, he also works with computer graphics. During my breaks, I write articles for you. :D

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